My Personality Type

My Personality Type
By: Brynna Schaal

I took a personality quiz and got ESFJ. The quiz I took made me answer yes. certain, or no to different questions. The way I answered depended on how I acted and thought which told me the qualities I possess. I got an ESFJ, this stands for Extrovert, Sensing, Feeling, and Judging. It also told me that I am a protector and like to give care to things. I am an extrovert because i love being in huge crowds, going to parties, and hanging out with friends. This also means I gain energy by being with others rather than alone and introverted. Sensing means I'm focused more in the present and not the future. Feeling describes how I make decisions based on emotion or personal feeling. I am judging because I like things organized and planned in advance. The population of ESFJ's was 12% compared to many other personalities. I share this personality with many famous people and one of them being Jennifer Lopez.

Understanding: This quiz did a very good job at depicting who I am as a person. It named me as an extrovert which describes me perfectly because I love being with others and being in groups of people is where I am most comfortable. One thing it didn't hit on the head was sensing. I usually tend to over think too much into the future instead of living in the moment. Being and ESFJ means that I am caring, dedicated, understanding, and like being the center of attention. This makes sense because I listen to people's problems, I'm dedicated to school and going to college, I love caring for others as well. Being the center of attention makes compete sense because I like to crack jokes and make others laugh in the most ridiculous situations. I can also see parts of my personality come out when I am on a team or paired up to complete a task. I am an excellent manager of tasks and like to give instruction. The bad thing is I'm inflexible and hard to compromise with. An issue I have always had is selflessness. T tend to care and worry about others too much and forget to resolve my own problems. This explains my stress, anxiety, and depression. 
Careers: I put the information above into another website which told me different careers I should look into or do. It gave me options such as an elementary school teacher, dietician, dentist, caterer, and surgeon. One of the most surprising options was a Funeral Director. I must have some quality that fits into the category of most likely to become that occupation. 
Takeaway: This project surprised me with the results. The test actually described me perfectly and I understood what everything meant. I would recommend everyone to take this quiz because its really interesting to see what you get. 

Link to personality test:

Lion, Otter, Beaver, Golden Retriever:
Our next task was to take another quiz about ourselves with a comparison to animals. The quiz was a series of questions I had to answer from 1-4, 1 being the least like me and 4 being what is most like me. After I added up all of the values and was compared to an otter. Otter types are very social, love people, enjoy being popular, and influencing/motivating others. They love
to goof off and hurry to finish tasks. Their strengths 
are being a people person, open, and an overall positive person. The 
weaknesses of an otter type is remembering past 
commitments and following through with discipline. This personality type describes me very well. The one thing that doesn't match perfectly is remembering past commitments. I have a pretty good memory for things like that.


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