CSS and CARP Design
CSS and CARP Design
By: Brynna Schaal
Project: The project was to get familiar with designing websites and using the technology needed to do so. The starting html file we were given was messy and unappealing to the eye. Our job was to follow the instructions we were given and fix the html file using the 4 design principles of CARP. All this new style information went into making a better looking website.
Contrast: This principle is used to make your design stand out or bring attention to your work. Different sized fonts, colors, or size of images are examples. The Contrast used in this was the change in color and size of font in the title, body, and background. The colors you use can change the audience members mood of what they are looking at or watching.
Alignment: Alignment is used to make the thing you are making more appealing to the eye. Different ways to align your project right, center, left, or bottom. Another thing you can do is use the rule of thirds and use foreground an background to make the thing you are doing more interesting.
Repetition: Repetition is used to unify the whole project and make is mesh together well. I did this by creating patterns and using colors that match to tie two different sections of the project together. The color on the dogs fur matches the color of the background and text.
Proximity: The balance between images and ideas that also groups together similar things. Filling areas in with text or images versus leaving them blank is an example of proximity. Color schemes in images may also be an example of this.
Takeaway: I learned many new things while using the CSS design application. I have never used it before so it took some time to get used to but once I got a hang of things it was smooth sailing. I would definitely use this this program again.
By: Brynna Schaal
Project: The project was to get familiar with designing websites and using the technology needed to do so. The starting html file we were given was messy and unappealing to the eye. Our job was to follow the instructions we were given and fix the html file using the 4 design principles of CARP. All this new style information went into making a better looking website.
Contrast: This principle is used to make your design stand out or bring attention to your work. Different sized fonts, colors, or size of images are examples. The Contrast used in this was the change in color and size of font in the title, body, and background. The colors you use can change the audience members mood of what they are looking at or watching.
Alignment: Alignment is used to make the thing you are making more appealing to the eye. Different ways to align your project right, center, left, or bottom. Another thing you can do is use the rule of thirds and use foreground an background to make the thing you are doing more interesting.
Repetition: Repetition is used to unify the whole project and make is mesh together well. I did this by creating patterns and using colors that match to tie two different sections of the project together. The color on the dogs fur matches the color of the background and text.
Proximity: The balance between images and ideas that also groups together similar things. Filling areas in with text or images versus leaving them blank is an example of proximity. Color schemes in images may also be an example of this.
Takeaway: I learned many new things while using the CSS design application. I have never used it before so it took some time to get used to but once I got a hang of things it was smooth sailing. I would definitely use this this program again.
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