Web Design

Web Design Project:By: Brynna Schaal
Background: e-Communication is doing a web design project so that everyone can have a place to post and share information about what they are doing and how. We were all given about a week to create the website. My website features a picture of me, a brief description of what I do, and links to other pages I use frequently. One of those is titled projects. This is where I will post about things I do such as animations, designs, and maybe some video. The colors for the background and text are my favorite colors that work well together. I sed these similar colors when creating my logo in one of my earlier projects.
Logo from earlier project

Adding Projects:

Next I added many of my projects into the website and the text to go along with it. To be able to add in videos i made a youtube channel and uploaded my GIF's and animations. Then i embedded the link into the coding of my website and altered the size of the video to fit in the required space. This sounds very complicating but it was actually easy and i got it done relatively quick. 


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