House Animation and Project

House Animation and Project
Floor plans of reference
By: Brynna Schaal
Reference house picture
     The project was to create a house using the SketchUp application. I used. picture of a house under 500 square feet for reference. 
      The process started with making a foundation with the width and length of the house. After the I created the roof by cutting the ceiling in two equal parts and dragging it upwards to the correct height. Next I made the doors and windows using square tools and measuring the trim. Creating the windows was the hardest and I struggled with this for a while. After I put every detail on the house it was time to paint. I pulled up my reference photo and began to color the house accordingly. I couldn't find the correct color of siding for my house so i took a seamless image from the internet and dragged it into my palette and painted the sides.
Seamless white siding
Once that was finished I was done! All I had to do was make a short animation of the different sides of the house. I did this by creating 6 different frames focusing on different parts of the house. The front, side, back, other side, and two of my favorite parts of the house I made.

      I learned a lot during the process of making this house. The tools took a little  time to get used to but once I figured it out it all came together pretty quickly. This also showed me how people make the 3D floor plans for a house so quick and easy.
      Something I would do differently is try to add more landscape to the yard and make it more appealing to look at. Or I would add interior to the house so the inside looked better as well.
        I would do everything the same and build the house using the same floor plans. 
      If i did this project again I would know more about the software and be able to build a bigger and better house next time.
      This project taught me a lot about how people build houses in real life. I would use my knowledge and skills to make something another day.
Florr plans


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